Tuesday, January 02, 2007

New Year Resolutions

I can think of only one, which is writing-related. Maybe, more will come to mind later and I'll add to the list.

2. I may try meter in poetry. (Cue for an emoticon with bulging eyes and stuck-out tongue)

1. To spend more time on my writing, whether poetry or shorts. However, I may be concentrating on writing short fictions the early part of the year as I'm targeting to do some submissions to a local publisher and I'm behind schedule on my short stories for children, which I am supposed to submit to an editor. (Local poetry won't sell well here, children's fiction do.)

The short story I posted on my other blog was actually rejected by this editor who instead took another one which I felt was more ordinary. Well, I guess they know best what sells.

I write under a different name locally. I don't know why. However, this may change later when I am able to identify myself better.

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