Thursday, June 07, 2007

Reading Habits

I've actually finished "reading" The Bell Jar. By that, I mean I sort of speed-read and got to the end of the story. I now know what the story is about and I now have to read it again slowly, word by word to savour Sylvia's writing and use of metaphor. I've to go read Dodo again for Angie.

My initial impression of the book is that the story is engaging and well-written (obviously) with a good dose of interesting metaphor. I'll post a better review after I've re-read the book.


angie said...

Interesting metaphor, yes, but her dry wit is always what surprises and delights me.

And yes, I am Dodo Conway, although I'm not Catholic. :)

Cheers, Autumn!

Anonymous said...

No way! Someone else who has to know the story before they can read it properly! I always read the end and the middle before I start reading properly. I have know how a movie ends too. Everyone always thinks I'm sick sick sick, so glad there are at least two of us out there!

Autumn said...

Angie - yes, her dry wit surprises me in a delightful way too. More on Dodo later. :)

Nic - glad to hear I have company.

Thanks for stopping by.