Saturday, December 01, 2007

Productive Day

I had some free time today to do some writing. I managed to finish a draft of an article on flax seed for a health magazine, and a draft of an advisory letter to a client for the office come Monday.

I even managed to brush dust off a few Haikus and plant some words here and there before sending them to an editor via email. Unfortunately, the mail bounced back, either because the mail box was full or that it thought my mail was spam. I'll try to re-send and then after that *shrug* , I'll look at other avenues or put them back into my drawer.


Anonymous said...

May your holidays and new year be happy and productive.

Autumn said...


Thanks. I had a good holiday back in my hometown. Visited an aunt who's 79 years old and glad to see how happy she was to see us. Made our own Margaritas at the hotel rooms where we(my dad,brother and sister)stayed. This is our second trip back "home" since ages ago and glad my dad had another chance to reminisce the past.

Not so happy news on my writing though. I just read a rejection email from the Haiku editor. If my Haiku cannot sell, I cannot imagine what I'm doing writing poetry. Well, I'm afraid I can't get rid of the major factor inhibiting my writing. Sorry to rant about this.

I'll do some blogging when I have more time. Work had been extremely busy.

Happy holiday.