Saturday, December 29, 2007

Merry Christmas

Cool Santa but what happened to the reindeers?

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Productive Day

I had some free time today to do some writing. I managed to finish a draft of an article on flax seed for a health magazine, and a draft of an advisory letter to a client for the office come Monday.

I even managed to brush dust off a few Haikus and plant some words here and there before sending them to an editor via email. Unfortunately, the mail bounced back, either because the mail box was full or that it thought my mail was spam. I'll try to re-send and then after that *shrug* , I'll look at other avenues or put them back into my drawer.

Links related to Bunions

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Article - Toes

The final edited version is far from alike this unedited first draft due to unavoidable reasons, for better or for worse.


Our toes are important to us. They help us balance, and to propel us forward during walking or running. There are 14 bones in your toes and they are among the smallest in your body.

Two bones, a phalange and a metatarsal, meet at the joint of your big toe. The phalange is the bone in your big toe and the metatarsal is the main bone in your foot that runs along the arch of your foot to your big toe. At the joint, the ends of the two bones are held together by tissue. This is called the joint capsule. It has a lining that makes fluid, which lubricates the toe joint and helps it move smoothly.

Each joint is wrapped with ligaments, tendons and muscles to keep the joint stable so the bones stay in place. The joint at the base of your big toe moves more than other joints in your foot and carries most of your weight as you push off your foot when you walk forward. Your big toe joint has two round tiny bones called sesamoid bones. They sit inside a tendon underneath the joint and they stop the tendon from getting squashed when you stand on your foot. They also help your toe to move up and down in a straight line.

Knowing toes problems

Our feet are under constant stress and about 80% of us will have some sort of problem with our feet at some time or another. Many things, such as occupation, health condition, and shoes, may affect the condition of the incredibly complex mechanism of our feet.


A corn is a form of callus, a protective layer of dead skin cells formed due to repeated friction. Corns usually develop on top or at the side of the toes and they can put pressure on a nerve causing sharp pain. Their formation is actually a protective reaction of the body, mainly to prevent the skin from getting painful blisters and subsequent possible infections. However, they are not serious conditions.

The best treatment is preventing friction on the skin. If a corn is the result of a poor-fitting shoe, changing to properly fitted shoes will usually eliminate the corn within a couple of weeks. Until then, protect with corn pads or use a pumice stone to gently wear down the corn.


Hallux valgus, commonly known as bunion, occurs when your big toe points toward the second toe. This causes a bony bump on the edge of your foot, at the joint of your big toe.

Bunions are often caused by narrow-toed, high-heeled shoes that put enormous pressure on the front of the foot and compress the big toe pushing it toward the second toe. An extra bone and a fluid-filled sac grow at the base of the big toe leading to a swelling and painful condition. This caused a bony bump on the edge of your foot, at the joint of your big toe. Other causes include injury to the joint, flat feet, gout, arthritis, and activities such as ballet dancing, that place undue stress on the feet.

Bunions can be avoided by wearing wide, low-heeled shoes. More serious conditions will require an orthotic to help re-distribute weight and take pressure off the bunion.

Hammer toes

Hammer toe, usually affecting the second toe, is a deformity of the toe, in which the end of the toe is bent downward. The toe assumes a claw-like position. The condition may occur as a result of pressure from a bunion. A corn or callus may develop on the foot and makes walking painful.

The condition may be congenital or acquired by wearing short, narrow shoes. The rare case in which all toes are involved may indicate a problem with the nerves or spinal cord.

Properly-sized footwear usually provides comfort and can reduces aggravation of hammer toes. The protruding joint can be protected with corn pads. Exercises may be helpful in alleviating the problem. Severe hammer toe requires surgery, that involves cutting or transferring tendons or fusing the joints of the toe together, to straighten the joint.


Claw foot is a deformity of the toes in which the toe joint nearest the foot is bent upward and the other toe joints bend downward. The abnormal shape of the toe can cause increased pressure and calluses or ulcers on the affected toes.

Claw toes can be congenital or can be develop as a consequence of disorders, often a result from a problem with the peripheral nerves in the leg, or from a spinal cord problem. Claw toes are in themselves not a serious condition but sometimes they are the first symptoms of a more serious disease of the nervous system. Claw toes can be treated surgically or with special shoes to relieve pressure.

Ingrown toenails

An ingrown toenail occurs when the edge of the nail grows into the skin of the toe. It can result from curved toenail, poor fitting shoes, improperly trimmed toenail, or toe injury. The skin around the toenail may become red and infected. It can occur on any toe but is most common on the big toe.

Ingrown toenail may be treated at home by soaking the toe in warm water and applying antibiotic ointments. Ingrown toenail may be avoided by trimming toenails properly, and wearing sandals or wide open-toed shoes.

Destressing Your Toes

As you can see, the anatomy of the foot is very complex. When one part becomes damaged, it can affect every other part of the foot and lead to problems.

So take care of your toes. Try the invigorating massage from the bubbles of a foot spa to relax and revitalise the feet. Use a pumice stone to exfoliate dead cells. Alternatively, soak your feet in an aromatherapy foot bath. For aching feet, try peppermint. Sit back and enjoy!

Love your toes because essentially they are a part of you.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Busying Here and There

Gosh, I've been absent from this blog for one month. How time flies!

I've been extremely busy, adjusting to the new job environment and to my "boss" management style. Umm, I've lots to say about this aspect but maybe later.

I'm afraid my dream (before starting this job) of having more time for my writing did not turn out too well. I'm struggling to make time to fit all my commitments into this fixed time vacuum the world allows us.

I try to sleep by 12 midnight every night but sometimes I stay up later than that to catch up on my writing. However, after a couple of such nights, I'll be zombieing my way every where so in the end I give up these late nights. Well, at least until a few days later and my brain wants to zombie again.

Okay, I know I'm babbling, so no more. Good night.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Mid-Autumn Festival

This year, Mid-Autumn Festival fell on September 25.

My mother who was a Buddhist up until about six years before her death, used to celebrate all Chinese festivals, minor or major. Since the rest of the family are Catholics we celebrated these festivals not with prayers to the Chinese Gods but with a gathering of all the family members having dinner together. We would have a small feast of fish, mixed vegetables, lotus root soup and the traditional steamed chicken. Of course, on Mid-Autumn day, we would have mooncake for desert, washed down with Chinese tea.

Since my mother's passing, my family now only celebrate major festivals like Chinese New Year and Winter Solstice which are cultural events rather than religious ones. My father's more incline towards western food and so missing a Chinese feast or two is no big deal to him. My mother was the one who planted my Chinese roots deep into the ground.

Well, to make up for the feast we did not have, we did eat many mooncakes before and on Mid-Autumn day.

Mid-Autumn Festival

Mid-Autumn Festival (wiki)



Thursday, September 27, 2007


I'm almost two weeks into my new job. My boss was on vacation on my third day at work, leaving me to take care of her group of 6 staff since I am the most senior among them.

I had to get up earlier for work since this job starts earlier than all my previous jobs. This means I have to go to bed earlier leaving me less online time. But I get to go home slightly earlier and the work's not as hectic although I do seem to be attending more meetings. I guess it's not too bad because the "running about" and the activities will do me good healthwise.

I've been revising chapter 1 of my novel and thinking of posting it here some time later since the publisher did not give me any response on whether he wants to commission the novel so I presume he doesn't. Chapter 2 should have been written one month ago.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Anxiety of Another Kind

Apparently the anxiety attack is not job-related. It was some sort of a premonition of an impending quarrel that happened the next day (not with my dad). I hate quarrels and they make me sick, literally, because I am by nature a peaceful and non-aggressive person. Unfortunately, the quarrels are quite often, only the intensity varies.

Following the comments by David M on one of my earlier posts, I've written the incident down somewhere and will also be writing down past events when I have the time and when I am in the mood. Yes, I'm afraid I have to be in angst mood to write down the teenage angst type of feelings and expressions. Then perhaps later, by some miracle, I can turn them into swans.

About "premonitions", I do have these types of premonitions (not visions, just feelings) over some impending future unpleasant events but unfortunately, I am unable to identify what events they are "predicting". But then again, I'm not sure if premonitions is the right word to use.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Anxiety Over Going Back To Work

I'm having a little anxiety attack over going back to work next week. Reality seems to be returning into my life.

On Monday, I took a medical test for the new job. It was a rather basic test which included an eye-sight test, colour blindness test, a urine test and a simple physical examination. Other than my blood pressure being on the higher end of normal, I passed the test without any problem. X-ray which was at the doctor's discretion was not required.

Then, yesterday, someone from HR called and asked me how she can pass the car-park card to me. Looks like there's no escape from working with this organisation. After all that I have gone through, especially the tedious interviews prior to securing the job, I know I just can't back off now.

At the first interview, after going through 30 minutes with two senior managers, one of them left and the HR Director was called in. I went through another 15 minutes of questioning, by which time the HR Director has also given his approval to my employment. Then, I had to take a 100 multiple-choice questions English Test within 20 minutes and write a short essay within the next 10 minutes! After this, I had to take a personality test and by then, my head was already aching.

I was then told that since the Executive Director was in, I might as well meet her so that I would not need to come back another day. It was not surprising that by the time I met her and another lady (not sure who she was but must be someone senior), I was really tired physically and mentally. At the end of the interview, I was told that they would need to check with the Managing Director who was not in the office that day, whether he would need to meet me when he was back in town before confirming me for the job.

I kept my fingers crossed that I would not be required to meet him because at that time I was extremely busy with my old job and I was having a bad flu. Unfortunately, luck was not with me. So one day, after postponing the appointment once and couldn't put it off any longer, with a voice like a frog, I went to meet the MD. I knew he was judging me in terms of self presentation and social interaction. I managed to pass this as well.

That's how I got the job.

Which army am I joining?

Monday, September 10, 2007

Better Sight

On the second day of his cataract surgery, I asked my father whether his eyesight has improved. He told me that he could now read the time from the clock on the wall from where he was sitting. The vision of his left eye is now clearer and brighter. I'm so happy for him. Later, we'll see if we want to let him undergo surgery on his right eye.

Saturday, September 08, 2007

My Almost-Clergy Friend

When I was in secondary school, I was the leader of a Christian society for one year and it was at this time I met this guy during an inter-school Christian fellowship. He was the leader of another school's Christian group.

He was a very charismatic person and left a very good impression on me. By the time the fellowship which lasted three days ended, we had became good friends. He talked to me about his plans to leave town to undergo a course to become a priest. A few days later, we met again when I attended his farewell tea-party at his house.

Later that night, he came to my house on his motorbike. Riding pillion was a girl I was slightly acquainted with. He gave me a bunch of flowers. It was the first time I received flowers from a guy, from anyone for that matter.

But I'd never had thought this would be the type of situation when I'd first receive flowers from a guy. You see, the girl was his girlfriend and they were having their last night out together before he left town. He gave me the flowers to thank me for being such a good friend, listening to his "problems". I guessed he brought his girlfriend along to show her that our relationship was "clean".

Later, when he was at the seminary we corresponded by mail and he told me of the hardships he had to endure. I could see that his strength to continue his training was wavering. I tried to encourage him to continue. After a while, the letters got fewer as I got busier with work, having graduated from school. I was not sure what the reason was at his end.

But soon, I lost touch with him as I went on with my life, with work and another man. Later in life, I feel bad that during that period, I had "neglected" him, not that I could do much though.

Years later, I found out that he had came home, having left the seminary without completing the course. However, he had stayed active in his religious calling by giving Christian seminars. I also heard he's now married, with kids. I'm very sure the wife's the girl on his motorbike that night he came to give me the flowers.

I've never met him again since that night and I've never attended the seminars he conducted so I have no idea how he looks like now. I do wonder though whether he would be able to recognise me after all these years since I'm no longer the wide-eyed bespectacled pony tail school girl he once knew.

Friday, September 07, 2007

Dad's Sunglasses and Eyedrops

I'm a little hyperactive again and more than a little "talkative". These are times when I've so much to talk and write about. I guess when I'm working I use up all my energy at work and am no longer hyperactive at home. Hmm, is that a good thing?

Now, I want to write about my dad's sunglasses and eyedrops. This morning he wanted to go out to the garden to water the plants but because of his recent cataract surgery, the sunlight was too bright for him. He whipped out an old pair of sunglasses and put it on. He has ripped off the right lens leaving only the left lens intact. He wanted to wear the glasses like an eyepatch on his left eye which was operated on. I was a little frustrated at him. I know that it was still a good pair of glasses although when questioned he lied that the right lens was already cracked. I just had to tell him not to mutilate good things even though they may be old stuff. I could easily have gotten him an eye patch if he had wanted it. I was really upset because I hate to see good things being destroyed. More so when I know that my mother had worn those glasses before.

Yesterday and this morning, I taught my father to do the eyedrops himself. I understand his difficulty since he can't see well with his other eye either. Anticipating the volume of wastages, I had bought an extra bottle of eyedrops from the doctor yesterday. Sure enough, my dad will drop the antibiotic onto his eyelids, below his eyes and almost poke the bottle into his eyes but after a few attempts the drops will hit the right target. And he gets grouchy at me when I try to correct him.

I had to teach him to administer the antibiotic drops himself because I know I would be out for lunch today for at least two hours. And in another week's time, I'll be starting work at my new job and there won't be anyone at home to take care of him until night time when I come home. The doctor did say that after a week, he'll only need the eyedrops four hourly which is better for him since he is also forgetful. I had to remind him a couple of times today.

The Giant Spider Web

(image deleted - please visit link instead)

The other day I read about this horrifying yet amazing spider web in Texas. I would love to see it myself but it'll creep me out.


Friend Leaving For London

Today, I had lunch with a close friend who's leaving on Sunday to take up a one year diploma course in footwear design at the University of Arts London. We were colleagues for a short while eleven years ago and had kept in touch with each other once in a while.

However, today we could only spend one hour together as she still has a lot of things to settle before she leaves. She had resigned from her job last week and had less than a week to prepare for her trip.

At lunch, she told me now that she is actually leaving, she's having jitteries and unsure whether she has made the right decision to take up the course in terms of money spent (which is a lot) and career. She would have taken up fashion design if money and situation permit. Footwear design is not something that would lead one to a good lasting career in Asia. She's also moving out of her comfort zone because she has never done anything artistic in her career since she had always been working in a corporate office like me.

I told her that even if she sees no career in footwear design in the future, taking up the course would still be beneficial in ways that we may not be aware of at this time. The experience and qualification may still come in handy for other certain careers. Last week, I had bought two bookmarks for her and one of them was coincidentally titled "Trust your heart" with inspirational words about having the courage to do what you want and to follow your heart. When I gave it to her, she noted the coincidence and I can see that my words and the bookmark managed to at least make her a little calmer.

I wish her the best and can't wait to see her again. However, she may opt to remain in London if she manage to get a good job there. Then, I'll be missing another good friend by my side.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Luciano Pavarotti

An amazing person with an amazing voice. He'll be greatly missed.


Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Cataract Surgery 2

Dad's fine. The procedure itself together with the patient resting period lasted only one hour. The pre-surgery dilation of the eye and the waiting for the doctor to attend to another patient who came after us took us half a day.

We reached home around 1.00 p.m. and had lunch at home. Then, in between giving my father his eyedrops every two hours, I managed to do some laundry, cook dinner and mop the kitchen floor. I guess, I'm rather hyperactive today despite the threatening headache throughout the day.

Tomorrow, I've to take dad to the doctor again to have the bandage taken off and have his eye checked. The next visit would be one week later.

I'm tired but sleep eludes.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Cataract Surgery

My father's going to have his cataract surgery tomorrow morning. The doctor said that by noon or latest 1 pm, he should be able to go home.

He also told me that for the first two days, my father will need eyedrops every two hours. Then, for the following days up to one month, it'll be four times a day. I hope that when I am working again, he'll be able to do the eyedrops properly himself.

I have mentioned that even with a cataract surgery, his vision may still not improve that much due to his other eye problem, retinitis pigmentosa but I hope that his vision could at least be a little brighter and clearer after the surgery.

Cataract Surgery

Eye Procedure

Retinitis Pigmentosa
(The part on genetic mutation is particularly interesting.)

Monday, September 03, 2007

Questions (not job related)

Why do people have mental problems and yet don't want to seek help?

Why can't people see for themselves what is happening and why it's happening?

Why won't people listen even for a moment what others are trying to tell them?

Why don't people appreciate the things others do for them rather than look for those things that they do not do?

Why do people get worked-up and pick on others for things they could not do but which those others are doing?

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Farewell 2

On the last day of my work in the office, the office tea lady said to me "chun hai ng sei tak nei chow" (Cantonese pinyin). It means something like "hate to see you go and will miss you".

Although she's one "dragon lady" in her field but she and I got along really well. I would always throw my waste paper into a special box for her to collect for recycling (she gets paid when she sells the paper) and gave her lai see (red packet) every Chinese New Year as a personal thank you for all the times she made drinks for me. But I can see that it's not because of these that she said those parting words to me. I know, from those times when we talk at the pantry, she has a certain respect for me and I really appreciate that.

There were two office boys whom I also gave lai see. One came to shake my hand and said he only just knew I was leaving that day so he was unprepared with any parting gift. I wished him well and said I did not expect any which was why I only told him I was leaving on my last day of work. The other office boy was working late and helped me cart my five years of "rubbish" to my car. They, understanding the office environment, had always provided me with prompt service whenever I wanted my documents despatched and they know I appreciate them.

Note: A lai see can be given by an elder to a youngster and from a superior to a subordinate. I'm still trying to search for a better link on this custom.

Friday, August 31, 2007


After mopping around the house and running some errands for two days, I am feeling better today. Maybe because my brother came over and took us out for lunch and dinner so it was sort of a holiday for me. I was surprised to find myself singing in the shower again and thinking I want to get an MP3 to enjoy more songs. I want to take up arts lessons and music lessons. I also want to complete the novel I am working on. There seem to be so many things I want to do.

Hmmm. I'm not retired yet. I only have two weeks off work. What am I thinking? I am just imagining I will have more time to do my stuff even when I am working full time again. Maybe it's just a dream. And freedom is valid for a limited time period only.

But the good thing is, I've started to seriously read a book again. I mean, word by word, page by page, from beginning to end, not speed-reading, skimming or skipping any words or pages at all. I take a book with me when I go out and read a page or two whenever I have the chance. I'm now starting on my second 200-pages book. Let's hope this good stuff is going to be a permanent part of my life.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Farewell 1 - Friends

Yesterday was my last day of work at the old office. It had been an emotional trip for me. I had been with the company five years ago when it was still relatively small and with some of the older staff had worked with the company until it is now what it is, a bigger organisation with more than one hundred percent increase in revenue and labour force.

A close colleague who was also one of my daily lunch partners had been as distraught and emotional as me at my leaving. We were there struggling with the company together and she felt sad that those who have helped the company so much were not rewarded for being loyal but were instead unappreciated.

She is not one to write beautiful words but she got me a lovely gift and card in which she wrote her touching farewell:

"The feeling of bitter, upset disappointment and mix feeling over your departure from xxx. On the other hand, feeling sweet happy when you accept the new job. New phase of life to meet up with more people and have better opportunity in future.

A small gift for you hoping you to have more time to enjoy candle light dinners wih love ones.

Wishing you all the best. Be happy and most of all good health.

Your bitter sweet friend"

She had coaxed me to accept my new job when I was hesitant. She did not want me to leave a good job without getting another one. We were close enough for her to know my personal life situation, how I had struggled to take care of my mother while still holding onto the tough job and how because of things happening in my life that had taken much of my time, I am still without a partner. She also knows of the then present political situation I was in and the sufferings I had gone through. She wants me very much to find someone to be happy with and to share my emotions.

She knew that I used to have a boyfriend from another town and although I never told her that we had broken up, she must have guessed and we both know that I am now single.

Good colleagues are like family. We have met each other everyday since the year 2002 and now we won't be meeting each other everyday anymore. We console each other that I will be working not too far away, that we will meet often and that I will come over for lunch when I can.

This is like experiencing the grief of loss. I have similar feelings about not going to the office. The emotions I felt this morning about yesterday being my last day of work at the office and never going there to check in for work anymore in future, seems so unreal. I felt so sad at the loss but loss of what? It's difficult to define but I think I do know what. Not just friends and despite the actions (or non actions) of certain people, I had enjoyed my work and was proud of it. My friend and I knew (and felt) that my career was cut short by these people when it should have ended with a retirement at this xxx. But we also both know that it's not a struggle worth fighting for.

I'll commemorate my other colleagues' farewells to me in later posts.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

New Job

I've been absent from the blog for longer than I expected. I had been ill (down with flu, fever and cough) for two weeks. I had also been busy with some online workshop stuff and trying to clear up outstanding projects before my last day at work.

I managed to sneak in some time to attend interviews for a new job and I got the job. The environment/situation would be slightly different from my present job though the basic work is still the same. Since it's a management/consultancy firm, I'll also need to meet clients from the portfolio of companies I'll be handling and do some products/business development stuff to expand the company's business/revenue. I'm a little apprehensive since I'm almost anti-social and hate pretentiousness. Let's see if I'll last. The important thing is that this job should leave me enough time to look into some of my real interests.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Hostages in Afghanistan

Please say a prayer for the hostages.

Hostages in Afghanistan

Monday, July 23, 2007

Bad Day

Today I had such a bad day in the office that I felt like crying and cursing people who had made my life more difficult than it should be. Yeah, it's bad of me but I am so "tired" of the situation and some people there. People are just so unfeeling.

I can't go into details right now but if I do, the tale would really be so unbelievable. Maybe one day, all these will be in a book (probably self-published, who would want to publish my pathetic life story, huh?).

I think today, my brain won't even allow me to rant properly so I'll shut up now.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007


How can anyone kill a three year old child? I'm not sure how she died but her body was burned and her bones scattered at a few places. Her murderers are her parents. Her mother's boyfriend killed the child and later at night both of them disposed of the body.

I'm really so numb by this news, especially after some bad vibes from the office today.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Nonsense babbles

Since handling in my resignation and feeling like a complete failure for having come to this, and like always in this type of situation, I ask myself where have I gone wrong, plus many other questions which of course there are no correct answers. I'm really a rabbit in the corporate world and that's not where I belong.

I also used to think that for every thing that happened in my life there must be a reason and I always searched for that reason. Sometimes I can find one, most times I cannot. I also hate it when people get away with bad behaviour or bad things they did. But by now, I am disillusioned enough not to seek reasons because there are none and that evil people can get away with evil deeds. Everything is subjective, even justice.

Okay, I'm starting to babble nonsense. Let's move on to something more interesting.

I watched Transformers on cinema this afternoon. It was awesome. This's one war movie I enjoy watching. There're certain scenes which I think should have been done more spectacularly, such as the moment when Bumble Bee transformed into himself and the moment when Megatron came back to life again. More tension should have been put into the later scene and be more suspenseful instead of the chaotic mess it was.

I noticed an irony in the show; despite all the modern technology, when things went wrong, they had to depend on old fashion walkie talkie (radiowave?).

Later at night, I watched Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire on DVD.

I should be critiquing some poems but did nothing today. Oh gosh!

Saturday, July 07, 2007


Whenever I pass by a bookshop, I always have to go inside. I always have this homecoming feeling as I browse the place and I smile like I'm meeting old friends when I see familiar authors' names on the shelves. There're so many I want to own but so few that I can afford to buy.

Today I stopped by at Borders and got myself a set of four poetry books which was stacked at the bargain section (among other books such as cookery books), very beautifully packaged which was what caught my eyes in the first place. There're Edgar Allan Poe's complete poems, Robert Frost's selected poems, Carl Sandburg's selected poems and W.B. Yeat's selected poems. I've probably read some of the poems in the books but it's still a pleasure to own these books.

I would also have bought translated versions of Transtromer's poems if they had the stock but they didn't. I would have to make a "special request". Maybe, one day, soon.

There're actually many books sitting on the shelves in my study begging me to finish reading them. I feel guilty not reading as much as I should. Maybe after resigning from my job (and getting a "better" one) I can spend more time with them. (Keeping my fingers crossed).

Saturday, June 30, 2007

My Job

I've given notice of resignation to my boss and in two months' time I'm free. Of course, meanwhile, I'll be actively looking for another job. Something that won't cause me more time than it should and that would spare me enough time to do some serious writing, and to disentangle my personal stuff from its chaotic mess.

Oh! About my resignation, I hope I won't be called in to the Managing Director's room for interrogation!

About blogspot, I've friends complaining about blogspot recently. For me, the problem starts when I try to change my fonts and colors. Over the past two months, I've attempted this a few times and each time my computer got stalled. So my links remained very light blue and difficult to see with certain computers (depending on settings, I think). Anyway, I tried again just now and the problem persisted.



Thursday, June 28, 2007

Wind of Change

I've finally typed out my resignation letter and it's now sleeping in my office desk drawer, waiting to be waken up tomorrow morning to the shocked face of my boss.

I've been thinking about resigning for ages and I'm glad I'm finally taking the final steps to realising this thought. It's sad to leave after putting in five years of hard work but I am going nowhere with the job and things are getting tougher for me to handle in terms of volume of work, staffing problems and management's disregard of the situation. I'm too overstressed not to resign now.

To the company, it's a bad time for me to leave because July, August and September are busy months. In July and August, there'll be directors' meeting to arrange and attend, accounts to audit and annual report to prepare and edit in preparation for the company's annual general meeting in September.

Beside these, I have several other projects on hand to finish. I anticipate an earful from my boss tomorrow. The flu and sinus infection I suffered from last week is making me weak physically and mentally so I must really be strong and not retract my resignation (keeping fingers crossed).

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Reading blogs

I've been trying to spend more time reading blogs and leaving my comments when I can.

I came across David's new journal which I gave a quick read of some posts. Very interesting. I tried to leave a comment on his blogspot blog but comments were limited to members only. I'm not sure if I can leave comments in his live journal posts. Maybe if he reads this, he can let me know. Thanks.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Retinitis Pigmentosa

Someone's comments on my father's nerves problem, Meralgia Paresthetica (MP), prompted me to write this post about his eye disease.

He was dignosed with Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP) about eight years ago. His vision has deteriorated much since then. He cannot read without a magnifying glass. He still plays sudoku though. We have to buy the larger print ones for him. Besides difficulty with reading, he also can't see well at night or in dim lights.

Although MP is also not curable, it's avoidable and symptoms can improve. RP is a lifetime disease and is not reversible but patients don't necessary lose their eyesight totally. Most of them will retain a small degree of central vision like my father.

He also has cataracts which if operated on, may (note: may and not will) enable him to have a clearer, though only slightly clearer, vision. The procedure is costly but I think we'll give him this clearer vision for the rest of the few years of his life.

Some links below:
Wiki-Retinitis Pigmentosa
British RP Society
All About Vision

Friday, June 08, 2007


A friend and I were talking about her absence from work last Friday. She was on medical leave because she felt dizzy as she was getting out of bed and had to lie down again to prevent total lost of conciousness.

She laid on her back for a couple of hours before she was just well enough to call her husband back from work to take her to the doctor. She could not even turn to her side because the movement would make the room spin.

The doctor told her that her blood pressure was a little high and would need to be checked again next week. But he/she did not explain to her why she felt dizzy. I told her that it could probably be due her high blood pressure.

She told me that she often feels dizzy especially when she bends her head down towards the floor but her pressure has always been within acceptable limit and she is not on medication.

She further said that when she was younger, she was prone to fainting. She first fainted when she was a child. Her mother was giving her a hair cut, to prepare her for the start of a school term when she lost conciousness suddenly.

As she fell to the ground, she knocked her head on a door. She was not sure how long she had fainted but when she was coming through, she heard someone crying and had thought it was the neighbour. She wanted to get up (she probably thought she was sleeping) to tell them to stop crying. When she opened her eyes, she realised she had fainted, was bleeding on the forehead and her mother was looking down at her with teary eyes.

She also remembered the time when she was queuing at the post office and the people around her kept asking her whether she was feeling all right. She wondered why they asked her that and she even replied that she was fine. Then all of a sudden, she fainted and had to be carried into the office for first-aid.

There was another time when she gained conciousness she discovered that someone had brought her to the hospital.

However, the syncope stopped after she gave birth to her first child. After that she usually just feel dizzy and last Friday was the first bad incident after a long while.

She told me that she had blood tests done and the results were all fine. The doctors could not find anything seriously wrong with her. I told her about blood circulation and that blood was unable to flow up to her brain which caused the fainting spells. She needs to find out what causes that to happen. I guess it's probably due to some vesticular problems. So the next time she feels faint, she should lie down on the ground to prevent losing conciousness or at least sit down to ensure that blood is able to flow better.

I told her that I would print out some articles for her on this illness when I get home. I remember having done some researches on syncope, vertigo, sudden death and cardiac arrest the first two months after my mother's death.

Below are some links on this illness:

When a child faints

vestibular balance disorders


Thursday, June 07, 2007

Reading Habits

I've actually finished "reading" The Bell Jar. By that, I mean I sort of speed-read and got to the end of the story. I now know what the story is about and I now have to read it again slowly, word by word to savour Sylvia's writing and use of metaphor. I've to go read Dodo again for Angie.

My initial impression of the book is that the story is engaging and well-written (obviously) with a good dose of interesting metaphor. I'll post a better review after I've re-read the book.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

American Idol Final

Jordin Sparks was great with her three songs especially the last one. I didn't know that both the finalists were going to sing the same composition.

I thought she was doing a cover version of some singer's song and I thought she sang it very well. The song sounded familiar and yet there was something original in it for her. As there was also no introduction of another winning composition, I said to my sister who was watching the show with me, "hey, how is it that she's not singing a new composition?"

Then, somewhere in the middle of the song, I realised that it was the same song Blake sang earlier. Gosh, it sounded so different and so much better. She made the song hers and it was a good close for her. She was fantastic. Like Simon Cowell said, she wiped the floor with Blake on that song.

She sang all three songs beautifully and I think with that last song, she should be the American Idol.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Interesting Read

Gosh, so much to read at PFFA this week: Design on the Reader, Negative Capability and The Poet's Trade.

Thanks guys for the threads.

Mother's Day

I went to Mom's grave to visit her. Along the journey, I felt like she was still alive and we were just driving out of town to visit her. The only shit is that we can't see or feel her physically. It was a very funny feeling, sad and weird. I miss her and I sometimes wonder when I can be with her again. Then at this point, all those religious beliefs or disbeliefs flood the mind. Existence in this world becomes as weird as those thoughts I have that day.

Anyway, I bought her three very red carnations, which the florist taught me how to open up the buds, and a big very yellow chrysanthemum. The red carnations represented myself, my sister and my brother while the yellow chrysanthemum, my dad. All of us were there.

Friday, May 18, 2007


I'm still trying to understand dyslexia and the impact it has on my ability to read and write. Sometimes, I cannot help having thoughts of how much better a writer I could be without dyslexia especially when I read the works of more eloquent writers. It's frustrating and the insecurity really sucks.

Some links:

Reading Books

I must really get myself to finish a book properly. I bought The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath a few months ago but I've not really started reading it properly. I've flipped the pages and read excerpts from the book like what I've been doing with a few other books but it's nothing like reading the first page of a book to the end. But, actually, at the end of the day, I do finish the whole book. I think I'll have to read only one book at a time, then maybe I may be re-discplined to read the conventional way.

I'll post my thoughts on the book when I finish reading it.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Melinda Doolittle

Oh damn! Melinda was booted out of American Idol, not that I'm surprised though. My family has predicted that could happen.

It's really a shame because I think she's the best singer in AI. I thought Blake should be out instead and if not, then Jordin. Really, in AI, it's not a matter of who is the better singer but who has a bigger fan base and Melinda lost out because of this. So, Blake's going to be the American Idol.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Meralgia Paresthetica

I've been reading up on the nerve disorder my father's having and found the following informative articles which I would print for him to read.

When I asked him, he told me that there was still a slight pain on both sides at the groin area. He has finished his nerves medication but still has the painkillers. He has not been taking the pain pills because the pain has only been slight and because I've told him to only take them if it's really bad since they're not good for the kidneys, especially for his age.

Other than preventive measures, there's not much that can be done for his condition. I can only remind him to sit properly so that his stomach is not folded up and pressing on the affected area. He has a big tummy though he's not really fat. Other than that, he can't wear tight clothings and he probably may benefit with some light waist bending exercise.

His eyesight has not been good and I still haven't found the time to take him for his cataract surgery. The plan's to do it in July because June will see me with some major tasks at work. I hope he'll be patient about this.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Transtromer's Tracks

Translated into English and as appeared in Hass "Twentieth Century Poets"

2 A.M.:moonlight. The train has stopped
out in a field. Far off sparks from a town,
flickering coldly on the horizon.

As when a man goes so deep into his dream
He will never remember that he was there
When he returns again to his room.

Or when a person goes so deep into a sickness
That his days all become flickering sparks, a swarm,
Feeble and cold on the horizon.

The train is entirely motionless.
2 o’clock: strong moonlight, few stars.

Discussion at PFFA here and here

Saturday, May 05, 2007


Today, Dad went for a check-up on his spine and hips at the orthopedics. The x-ray taken the other day showed that he has mild OA. He has been complaining about some slight pain on both sides around the groin area. The gastroenterologist which did the colonscopy was not able to answer our queries and we had to make an appointment with the orthopedist quickly to quell our apprehension that the pain could be a symptom of something serious.

Dad's blood test results have shown a slightly high PSA count and though this is expected of an old man his age, we are ignorant enough to fear that prostate cancer may have spread to the bones. Today, we found out that his bones are normal except for an onset of osteoporosis around the hips but again this is expected of a man his age. I informed the othopedist that the gastroenterologist has told me that Dad's prostate is slightly larger than normal but is smooth. I asked and the othopedist told me that if it was cancerous, it would be rough. Further if there was prostate cancer, the PSA level would be much higher than my Dad's. But he advised us to check again in three to six months time.

He then explained to me that Dad's condition is due to nerves and it's called meralgia parasthetica (he even wrote it nicely on a piece of paper for me and said I could read up on this). Nice guy. We got more from him than the gastroenterologist and also charged a much lower fee despite being a surgeon as well.

It was a stressful day again but at least I'm happy now, Dad's in good health for his age. Next stop will be at the eye clinic to look at his cataract. He also has retinitis pigmentosa which is incurable but hopefully after the cataract is operated on, his vision will be slightly better. Then, three months from now, to the surgeon to check on his prostate.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Bon Jovi

is so cool, him and the band. Yes, I've been watching American Idol again.

I got a headache after a stressful day at the hospital and then reading a lot of research material so I did not do much else

Wednesday, May 02, 2007


Today I am on leave from work, to do some house chores, cook and take care of my dad who's on a liquid diet (and fasting at night) in preparation for a colonoscopy tomorrow morning.

I have a bit of spare time now and then to do some reading and writing but ironically, NaPoWriMo month has ended so there's no deadline to meet.

This NaPo has been extremely difficult for me in terms of time spent on writing the poems but I am glad that I am able to make it through. Each NaPo proved and confirmed things to me which I had doubted before. I have gained a lot from the experience. This year, I find that I have made progress in my writing and I was able to apply the knowledge I had gathered in my search to improve my writing, in a much easier and better way.

I've been thinking that I won't be doing NaPo next year if I'm going to be as busy I was this year. I think I know what I should be doing with my writing. I think I know what I am capable of, what I can do and what I cannot. Though the urge to do the "cannot" is as always very strong. We'll see.

My NaPoWriMo 2007's poems are here (at PFFA) or here (at Autumn Verses)

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Exit Stage Left

Sanjaya was finally voted off after a disappointing performance on country night. I somehow knew that he could not do country and would be booted out. True enough his performance was poor compared to the beautiful latin night Besame Mucho.

I just saw his exit interview and I think he is a terrific kid. I understood what he was babbling about when he spoke of the night he stood with Lakisha and Blake on the stage being the bottom three. Judging from his expression that night, he probably knew that he was the one leaving. He was already sniffling before the result was announced. He also probably didn't want to be the one not leaving because there would be even more hype about him and the poor kid would have to bear all the hatred from Lakisha's and Blake's fans, not to mention the Sanjaya haters. I don't think he could take it much more and he shouldn't have to. I'm glad he's voted off because of this.

Sanjaya, you're awesome!

Friday, April 13, 2007

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Chris Richardson - Smooth

This is good too. I've always been a Chris Richardson fan too. I like him more than Blade

Chris Richardson - Don't Get Around Much Anymore

Okay this is good too

Thursday, April 05, 2007

American Idol - Top 8

Oh damn! I just have to take a break from NaPoWriMo to write this post.

I think Haley should go, not Gina, not Sanjaya. Gina has been improving after moving a little away from the hot rock songs which makes her shout too much. Phil's performance was not that good but Haley was the worst of the lot. She's been kept in by her looks, not sure by whom and she's becoming another Barba. The spotlight was always on Sanjaya and Haley went through unnoticed. Frankly, I believe she has the weakest voice in this year's top 10.

P.S. Comments are moderated. I don't publish what I don't want to.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

American Idol - Top 9

I did continue to watch American Idol although I was disappointed Sundance and Sabrina were voted off. Since I have a bit of time today, I'll blog about this a bit.

I think other than the controversy over Sanjaya, the voting was quite predictable. The next to go would probably be Haley but she's pretty so who knows. Then, maybe Gina or Sanjaya.

Actually I think Sanjaya does have a good voice and he can sing. His easy going voice makes it sound as if he's not making an effort in his singing but that's his style. He just needs to push his voice a little like the last note in this week's performance. He also has an interesting (abide a bit weird) personality and it's showing in his performance lately. But still, he's definitely not better than Blake or Chris Richardson in terms of engaging performances.

Undoubtedly, he doesn't have the best voice in the competition but personally I felt he showed more charisma than Chris Sligh. I always felt Chris is lacking in something but I am not able to put my finger at what it is. I read somewhere something about X factor. I suppose that's it, whatever it is. Sanjaya has it (however weird) and Chris doesn't.

Yeah, I know it's a singing competition but if you do not have the best voice, you need to be a good performer or an entertaining one.

I suppose what I'm saying is, maybe folks could give Sanjaya a break. I've read bad messages about him and I think some of the things said were rather unfair on the poor boy. I don't think he'll make it to the final (unless he really does something to his voice and style) so there's no worry that he'll make American Idol a laughing stock.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Missed deadline

I missed the deadline for the submission of my short fiction. However, the editor said that she may use the story in the next book.

Friday, March 09, 2007

Oh my goodness, American Idol!

I echo Paula Abdul, "I am speechless".

How can Sundance be voted off before the finals? He has one of the best voice, for goodness sake. Even if Sanjaya gotta stay, then either Brandon or Phil should be gone instead. Now, the only one that has the better voice is Chris Sligh and he lacks charisma, at least to me. He has to stand out more. However, with this week's result, I think we can forget about the boys. It's just gonna be the girls' show from now on.

The other disappointment was Haley staying in favour of Sabrina. I think Sabrina has a very good voice with a good vocal range and much much better in every way.

I really don't know what else to say. I think I've just lost some interest in American Idol and will probably be watching the show with half a heart from now on.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Yo, American Idol!

The guys were forgettable except maybe for Blake and Chris Richardson although their performances were not their bests this week.

My favourite Sundance gave just an okay performance. I thought his tone was not right so his voice was not brought out strong enough and this made him sounded like he struggled with some notes. I guess it's the wrong song choice. Maybe he wanted to show he could do something else than the bluesy stuff that made him stand out. But I don't think it's bad idea just to sing the type of songs that are suitable for you. If you're a country singer, rock might not be good for you.

The next best voice belongs to Chris Sligh but other than that, there's nothing in his performance that impresses me. Blake and Chris R stand out more than him and I don't think it has anything to do with looks.

I've always thought of Phil and Jared as the weak links. They are passable but I believe AJ had the better voice. Their respective performance this week was poor and their voices not up to the AI final standard.

I still think Brandon does not have a good voice range. I think he's overrated unless he comes back next week and prove me wrong. So far, I haven't seen an outstanding performance from him.

Sanjaya's choice of song was slightly better this week but he still preferred to stay in his comfort zone. His voice was too weak in certain parts. He should really put more force into his voice and hit the higher notes when he can. I think he still hasn't proven that he's one of the pack.

So, actually, four should go but since only two are voted off, Sanjaya would definitely have to go and I think, maybe Brandon.

As for the girls, I think the last two standing in the final stage will be Lakisha and Melinda. Personally, I prefer Lakisha a bit more than Melinda. I think she can hit most notes and she has the tone and pitch that I like. Her rendition of Whitney's song was just so good. I notice and like the way her face turns soft when she is not performing that make her seems a totally different person when she is performing.

Of course, as usual I liked Jordin Sparks but her singing was a bit pitchy at times. However, she pulled it off and managed something different well. But still, it was just okay compared to some of the other better girls.

Another girl I liked was Sabrina but she didn't sing that well this week. Stephanie gave a better performance.

As for Gina, I never liked the way she sang. She tends to shout her songs and they're too loud for my ears although I could take Lakisha's and Melinda's which are equally loud and powerful because they are not shouting.

Haley was forgettable and definitely wrong choice of song. I've never really thought her voice was good anyway. She is going off the show.

So is Antonella. Her pitch was wrong, the tone was bad and she was out of tune at times. Her low notes were bad and she couldn't hit the higher notes in most parts. She is definitely the worse of the pack. Seriously, she needs to go or AI will lose its creditability.

(Please excuse the grammar. I'll correct them at a later time. I just need to block this before the results come out)

Friday, March 02, 2007

American Idol Gasp!

Gosh! The wrong people are going home tonight. I thought the last result was shocking.

Paula gave a very sound and critical comment "This is a singing competition. Vote for the person you love to be in, singing."

Thursday, March 01, 2007

American Idol Time Again

Looks like I'm always blogging about American Idol instead of spending time revising my story. Still, here goes.

This week's outstanding boys:

Sundance was great. I love his voice. But I think he should lose some weight and maintain an exercise routine to have a better control of his voice.

Chris Richardson performed well.

Blake was fine too though I prefer last week's song.

Nick was good with "Fever". It's a difficult song to sing and I think he did it well in his own way. I think he knows he doesn't have as strong a vocal as some of the other boys and he seems to be playing it right with his choice of songs.

And the outstanding girls:

Doolittle did very well.

I love Jordin Sparks. She's just great. She has a very powerful voice and so much potential. She sounded a bit edgy at some parts but she handled the song well. I was like "wow" when I heard she was singing Christina Aguilera. Way to go, girl.

Lakisha was very good too but Doolittle has the edge over her this week.

The other girl to watch is Sabrina. I like her voice more than Stephanie Edwards's. I think she looks great too.

The disappointment:

Sanjaya - Oh man, I'm going to sound like Randy. Seriously, I think someone should give this boy some sound advice. He has a good voice and it's going to waste. When Melinda was singing "My Funny Valentine", I was thinking Sanjaya should have sung that.

Okay, the boot:

I would have given the boot to AJ if he was still doing last week's stuff. This week he gave a much better performance so I think he deserves to stay another week. He'll still be forgetable if he doesn't try harder with the personality thing.

I think either Jared, Phil or Brandon should go. Brandon does seem to have a good voice but it doesn't stand out. I haven't hear him manage a good range yet and I'm having doubt that he's able to. Jared's good looking but his voice and performance were not outstanding this week. Neither was Phil.

Though Alaina did not sing that well, I think she should be given another chance. Her voice is actually not too bad but she always does seem out of breath at times. She should take a look at that.

Antollena is getting from bad to worse. When I heard she was going to sing Celine Dion and of all songs, "Because You Loved Me", I was like "Oh my God!" and I didn't even need to hear her sing to know she was not going to sing it well after hearing her vocal the past few weeks.

I don't think Haley was good either but I think Antollena gave the worse performance this week.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

American Idol - Top 24

Okay, American Idol time.

The boys:

I still like Sundance. I think he has a great distinctive singing voice. I don't know why he's not performing. Maybe he should listen to the judges, stick to the blues that put him in the race in the first place.

I also like Chris Richardson. Although his voice is not too great, I like the way he sings his songs. He has his style.

I also like Blake Lewis. He's surprisingly good and very musical. I think this guy has talent yet to be revealed. I didn't notice the pitchiness Randy commented on.

I didn't like Nick Pedro the previous rounds and thought it was his good look that got him through. However, I thought he was pretty good singing "Now and Forever" He has a kind of sandy voice which I like.

I'm disappointed with Sanjaya. He could have done better with another song that would bring out his easy going voice. He also has a problem bringing out his personality into his songs.

The girls:

I think all of them did a good job except for Gina Glocksen. At the higher notes, she sounded like screaming rather than singing. I agree with Simon's comments about her notes.

The other disappointment was Antollena. Gosh, like Sanjaya, she could have done better with a better song.

Outstanding ladies - Lakisha, Jordin Sparks, Doolittle, Sabrina and Stephanie in that order.

Sunday, February 11, 2007


I sent my story to the editor last week and just got news from her that it would be accepted if I can do some edits.

I am so delighted because this is not children's fiction but a horror story for adults. This author/editor is new to me and I'm happy to hear her comments that I am a good storyteller and that she enjoyed the story with the good twist in the end.

Now, comes the difficult part, revising to make it more acceptable to her before we move on to contents editing. I'm not sure if I can do it on time especially when I am so very busy at work this month and the future months to come. But I really want this story published. Sigh!

I think I can't write well although I love to write. My learning difference problem is really hard to deal with at this time. I know I tend to simplify language and it really takes so much of my time just to write something that comes so naturally to others. I need a collaborator.

Yeah, self doubt, self doubt!

Sunday, February 04, 2007

American Idol - Los Angeles (Sherman Pore)

Touching moment

I tried to post this twice but the video was no longer available. Maybe copyrighted or something. If you want to view this video, try youtube.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

ABBA - The Winner Takes It All

Messing around with Nice song.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

My Tee Shirt and American Idol

No, my tee shirt has nothing to do with American Idol. I just wanted to talk about my tee shirt and American Idol today.

Yesterday I had to run some errands at a neighbourhood store and a bank. I was in a bit of a rush so I just grabbed a tee shirt to put on and left the house. I did not realise that I had put on my tee back to front. I only realised that after I came home. How embarrassing. I hope people thought I did it on purpose or better still they did not notice it at all. :-)

Yesterday and today, I watched American Idol - Season 6 and I had a good laugh at some of the contestants. Bad of me eh? Okay, okay, I wasn't laughing at them because they were bad but because they were funny. I was also laughing at the judges' expressions and comments. And I just love Simon Cowell. Should I feel better now? Hmm, :-) I can't wait to hear Memphis.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

My Mother

I had been thinking about my mother the past week. It's sometimes like this when the 14th day of a month draws near. I miss her terribly.

I could see her face smiling up at me. I could see the courage in her eyes as she braved her illness. She seldom complained and when she did, the pain or discomfort she felt must have been unbearable because I knew she had a high tolerance for pain.

I read a friend's comment about comprehending the reason why ill fortune befalls us. Tears fell from my eyes as I could fully understand the question and the need for an answer. I had asked myself that question many times during my mother's illness and during the difficulties I had encountered in the course of taking care of her.

I had the answer once when I asked about a surgery she had to undergo. I was greatly dissatisfied with the answer I got.

Later, situation after situation made me asked the inevitable why again. I never did get any answer anymore. However, I do not mean to say that things were always bleak. There were happy times and times when sufferings breezed through for my mother because we carried them for her.

Yes, we can question why but we do not always get the answer. Even when we do, it may not be the answer that we want. We can only leave all the whys to hang on the wall for us to reflect on later in life.

Saturday, January 13, 2007


I've finished my short story today but with only about 3,650 words. I'm short of my target of 4,000 words. I'm afraid I may have condensed too much.

Anyway, I hope to have time in the coming week to do some revision and editing before submitting the story. Hopefully, the editor has still not gotten enough submissions for the anthology yet and hopefully mine is suitable for inclusion.

Keeping my fingers crossed.

Thursday, January 11, 2007


Woohoo! I made it to 3200 words. Another 1000 plus words and I should be arriving at the end of the story.

On the downside, I think my progress is a bit slow. I wish I could write faster. I was unable to write the past few days because I was busy with some office matters.

I realise that when I have a stressful day in the office with all the legal jargons and stuff, I can't write fiction well when I come home. My writing would probably be filled with grammatical errors ("more than usual" would be a more appropriate expression, I suppose) and the writing done hesitantly, almost forcefully and would not create a satisfactory result.

I guess it's the right brain left brain thingy and I find it difficult to switch well when I am tired. Well, I haven't done any research on this to support what I said so this is just one of my babbles to be taken with a pinch of salt. Add pepper if you like.


Sunday, January 07, 2007


This evening I spent a bit of time on my current short story and made it to about 2,100 words. I'm happy with the progress because I'm reaching the minimum word count of 3,000 words and I still have stuff going before the ending. However, I will have to stop writing for the night although the creative juice is flowing because I have to be my other self tomorrow and go to work like a good girl.

I have another project for tomorrow and it's not a pleasant one. I have to scape out a flattened very dead lizard from the edge of the cupboard door in my pantry. It's starting to smell already. Ewwwwww.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Lord of the Flies

I spent time reading on the web and visiting some friend's blogs so I did not have time to write much.

However, I want to make this post because the book "Lord of the Flies" was on my mind today after last night's post. I read it for literature class in school and remembered getting sick each time I read it. Sick is too kind a word to describe my nauseatic feeling.

The feeling is so strong that it put me off reading the book again even now when I am much older.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Horror and Sci-fi

I love good horror or sci-fi stories. When I was small, I loved to read Edgar Allan Poe. I also read a lot of Stephen King. And I just loved "The Monkey's Paw" by W.W. Jacobs which gave me the most chilling creeps.

I was so greatly influenced by these horror stories I read that I wrote a horror sci-fi for my school magazine when I was twelve. I was encouraged by my English Literature teacher who thought I was quite good in English and Literature, to submit a short story for the magazine.

However, my story must have creeped her out because she said nothing to me about it after my submitting the story to her. Needless to say, it was not published. After that, I thought she was embarrassed to look at me straight in the eyes and whenever she did, she always had that weird look in her eyes, a reflection of her thoughts about me, probably.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

New Year Resolutions

I can think of only one, which is writing-related. Maybe, more will come to mind later and I'll add to the list.

2. I may try meter in poetry. (Cue for an emoticon with bulging eyes and stuck-out tongue)

1. To spend more time on my writing, whether poetry or shorts. However, I may be concentrating on writing short fictions the early part of the year as I'm targeting to do some submissions to a local publisher and I'm behind schedule on my short stories for children, which I am supposed to submit to an editor. (Local poetry won't sell well here, children's fiction do.)

The short story I posted on my other blog was actually rejected by this editor who instead took another one which I felt was more ordinary. Well, I guess they know best what sells.

I write under a different name locally. I don't know why. However, this may change later when I am able to identify myself better.