Friday, August 31, 2007


After mopping around the house and running some errands for two days, I am feeling better today. Maybe because my brother came over and took us out for lunch and dinner so it was sort of a holiday for me. I was surprised to find myself singing in the shower again and thinking I want to get an MP3 to enjoy more songs. I want to take up arts lessons and music lessons. I also want to complete the novel I am working on. There seem to be so many things I want to do.

Hmmm. I'm not retired yet. I only have two weeks off work. What am I thinking? I am just imagining I will have more time to do my stuff even when I am working full time again. Maybe it's just a dream. And freedom is valid for a limited time period only.

But the good thing is, I've started to seriously read a book again. I mean, word by word, page by page, from beginning to end, not speed-reading, skimming or skipping any words or pages at all. I take a book with me when I go out and read a page or two whenever I have the chance. I'm now starting on my second 200-pages book. Let's hope this good stuff is going to be a permanent part of my life.

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