Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Horror and Sci-fi

I love good horror or sci-fi stories. When I was small, I loved to read Edgar Allan Poe. I also read a lot of Stephen King. And I just loved "The Monkey's Paw" by W.W. Jacobs which gave me the most chilling creeps.

I was so greatly influenced by these horror stories I read that I wrote a horror sci-fi for my school magazine when I was twelve. I was encouraged by my English Literature teacher who thought I was quite good in English and Literature, to submit a short story for the magazine.

However, my story must have creeped her out because she said nothing to me about it after my submitting the story to her. Needless to say, it was not published. After that, I thought she was embarrassed to look at me straight in the eyes and whenever she did, she always had that weird look in her eyes, a reflection of her thoughts about me, probably.

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